Friday, October 31, 2014

IO Ep3 is UP!

Episode 3 of Interstellar Overdrive is up and available on Amazon, proving once again that Al Pacino was right (They pull me back IN!). We're actually getting pretty good at putting these out as our editing process gets more and more streamlined. We might even try to pop them out faster.

Synopsis: Interstellar Overdrive is an ongoing series set in a new world, a hard-charging romp into the future. 

Alec and Everett arrive on the cast off world of Astrakhan, intent on finding the killer of their former comrade, Pete Boothe, and exacting their form of revenge, but in the process they find that Pete was involved with an insurgency against the KPM/Sekai merger, against the new Ascendancy, and soon they find themselves facing more than even they can handle.

Initially, this was supposed to be our idea of doing a serialized story like back in the pulp paper days, and with Amazon as a partner, with their self-publishing system, we've been able to achieve what we might not have been able to just a few years back. Thank you Amazon!

Moving forward, the story has 12 episodes - then goes on. I'm excited to say that a character you meet in this episode has struck our fancy, returns later on in greater glory, and will probably be the subject of IO Series 2 EVEN MORE OVERDRIVERER.

As far as poor old, forgotten Blackjack, I'm working on that book too. I'm way ahead of these two other clowns (finished ep7 a few weeks back) and other than the publishing process and writing a few words here, I'm full at work on Blackjack 3: Dead or Alive. The idea is still to have my draft ready for edit by Christmas and the book out by April/May as were 1&2 (except skipping a year). Moving forward, the idea will be to skip a year on Blackjack to make sure I can do other projects, like IO.

After IO and Blackjack? I really want to finish Heart of the Jungle. That book had something to it, didn't it? A kind of a mix between Indiana Jones, Lara Croft and James Bond, with two characters that were a real joy to write.

But for now, enjoy IO3. Things get hot and heavy in this one and I'm sure you'll love it.

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