Sunday, August 6, 2017

For the Refunds

I know, I know, we have a new page and we're only supporting that for now. I'm making this post exclusively for people that bought the print copies of the Blackjack series and found errors that require a refund. To those folks, please put your Paypal email here and the amount you paid for the book and we'll pay you back. You don't even have to return the copy of the book to us. If you don't have Paypal, maybe there's other ways to return your coin to you - we are open to ideas, but we'll be grumpy about having to figure new stuff out.

Another option if you don't have Paypal would be a free copy of our next book, which has nothing to do with Blackjack, and is coming out later in the year. I'd be glad to send you a sampler now (just a chapter or two), then the full version upon release at no cost.

Yet ANOTHER option - and this one's only if you have a ton of patience - is a free copy of the next Blackjack book, which is going to come out next year.

Anyway, we're sorry the print on demand copies came out crappy. It's our fault, not Amazon's, not Createspace, and we'll do our damned best to repay your trust in our little book series, one way or another.


Ben (and Josh)

P.S. I blame Josh.