Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blackjack Hero Journal #7

The working title is Blackjack Hero, because he's trying to remake his life. But this is Blackjack, after all, he'll find a way to ruin things, while at the same time saving the day and getting the girl. Anyway, the "hero" moniker might change. I'm not sure if it fits exactly. If Blackjack makes it through this book in one piece, he won't be a hero in the traditional sense of the word.

As far as progress, act one is coming together nicely. I have a good head of steam going and lots of good ideas. The funny thing is when you come up with something later on that you have to backtrack later. In this case, I've just decided to involve Dale's father. It was going to happen, and I think I've made no bones about it, but I've got to put it in there from the beginning. I'm also debating taking a different angle to the thing. I just don't know if there's time. Same thing with Jason Mckeown. Remember him? The temptation is to make him secretly one of the many heroes I've mentioned, like Paladin. He'd fit perfectly as a dude in heavy armor, his face concealed by a helm. But it'd be interesting to try something different, something unexpected. No, Jason's not secretly Epic...COME ON!

Anyway, I plan on releasing an in-progress act one when I have it put together. I love hearing your ideas and thoughts and act one will have a pretty sexy cliffhanger. As of right now, it's at 97 pages (after dumping a lot of crap) in Kindle formatting, and it needs another 40 between plugging in gaps/transitions and the grand finale of the act. Again, it'll be a total mess and not indicative of the final product, but I know you'll see past all my stupid mistakes and spelling errors. Like when I had to change the first name of one of the new heroes Blackjack is working with, Red Quiver. I called the guy Roy, because...well, because. I liked it. Guy feels like a Roy. But I'm informed by my partner Josh, after he read a battle scene between Blackjack, Roy and a few others against a huge dinosaur/T-rex monster thing, that Red Arrow of DC fame is also called Roy. My subconscious screwing with me? Maybe. But when I did a quick find/replace, it replaced the word "royal" with "Ianal". Roy's new name is Ian, you see...

I caught that one, but some strange & weird stuff gets past me.

Okay, so when? Give me a week. I'm going full speed, finally, after a slow/lazy summer. Sounds good? One week and act one's ready.

Crap, pressure!


  1. Dude it would be so cool to make FTL into Blackjacks brother. In book 1 you said FTL disappears every so often and everyone THINKS hes a robot needing to recharge or maintenance. But what if hes going to a board meeting? There can be that conflict of Blackjack and him having fought already and maybe in book 3 something happens to cause them to fight and in the middle Blackjack rips part of the face shield away and there's his brother looking at him. What do you say in that situation? WTF!!!!!!!

  2. If you don't like the Hero moniker, why not have it be Blackjack Rogue or something? From what you say, he won't exactly be a hero but neither will he be able to be called a villain. And so far, the book sounds awesome. Can't wait to really read it.

  3. scratch that, rogue sounds too similar to wayward

  4. How about Balckjack:Resolute. He might not be the guy that gets the parades and the kids running up for his autograph. He might not be the shining example of heroism the people point to in pride. But hes the one you call when you need something done and done right. Hes the one that comes in the backdoor. The one you call for after the shit has hit the fan.

  5. i like that. Blackjack Stalwart. Blackjack Resolute. much better than rogue. nice work dibs.

  6. You got me hooked on Super Hero/Villain books sir. Didn't ever even realize they existed, but none of them have been as enjoyable as yours.

  7. Welcome to the fold Evan. You shall make a wonderful new addition to my army. Yes, its starting to come together. Not long now. No, not long. All shall bow to me. Mwah hahahah.

  8. Wow, sorry about that last one. My inner tyrannical dictator is acting up again. Just need my medicine. My yummy yummy medicine. It tastes like purple. I swear I'm not crazy.

  9. Hey Evan and Robert, welcome to the party. Sorry if we're a little familiar here, I'm a new writer and haven't become self-important yet. Give me til my 4th or 5th book.

    Glad to hear you're into Super books. There's a ton more now than there were when I got started. Back then it was one, "Soon I will be Invincible" by Austin Grossman, which was the genesis of Blackjack, the thing that made me believe I could do it and that there was a market for it. I highly recommend Grossman's book. It's fantastic.

    Robert, I like the idea of that title, especially since it's the nexus of what happens in the book. Blackjack goes from a lost soul to one with a goal, one with a mission. I also like your ideas, Devil, for Stalwart and Resolute, but maybe for later books.

    Like when we take on the Lightbringers...

  10. Sweet. And it's not really a fold(implying wolves or a brain trust if you're into neurology) more of a...support group? Yes, that fits. After all, we're all addicted to Blackjack and Mr bequer's books :P
    P.s. dibs, we all forget to take our medicine sometimes. Some of us more than others... :)

  11. Also nice job Robert. Great title idea.

  12. Hey, do you guys think the Enders Game movie will be any good? Lately the book to movies haven't been all that great and something like Enders Game has a lot of info to pack into what will probably be a two hour movie. Of coarse I'll see it but probably be disappointed by it. That's a shame because it might put some people off reading the books. I was hesitant to read Starship Troopers because of the movie but when I did it was astronomically better. Its completely different. Ben don't let that happen to Blackjack the movie when it comes time for it alright.

  13. Damn straight. Blackjack would be great on the big screen
