Sunday, June 30, 2013

Blackjack Hero Journal #2

Bad week. Little sick, but no excuses. Added another twenty pages to the mix, good stuff. Reintroduced Powermaster (remember him?), but with a surprising new spin. Finally got around to writing the Midwest All-Stars, who are more fun to write than they should be. I had no idea what I was going to do with Red Quiver until I literally got to that page. Yes, the Midwest All-Stars have two archers (since Superdynamic made Blackjack pickup his bow again).

I had a contest over on Facebook to change the name of Despoil (which by the way, I HATE. Have I told you guys?), and the response was pretty awesome. I ended up falling in love with Lilith in part cause of Cheers/Kramer - LILITH! - but also because the way the character is coming about, she's not an established character with a full name yet, despite the fact that she's the first Class-X super since the Original Seven. Besides that one, I loved most of the other names you guys came up with, so I'm going to add them to my list. Look for most of them to make the book in one way or another. Some of them were pretty damned clever.

Another thing that made my output a little crummy this week is that I was beset with doubt. Not about Blackjack, but about some of the other projects I'd like to work on. It's a funny/strange thing to have too much to do, then you get all depressed and then you don't accomplish anything. Are those stage two and three of procrastination according to the DSM-IV? I'm suffering from "wanna-do-too-much-itis" and its killing my focus.

See, with the time I had after I was 'done' with Blackjack 2 and the time it took to get polished by my writing partner Josh, I started screwing around and wrote a few things. One was Heart of the Jungle, an adventure fantasy inspired by the Indiana Jones movies, and the Tomb Raider and Uncharted games. I wrote about 100 pages of it, before time ran out and I had to turn my attention back to Blackjack, but as I was finishing that first act, I came to an epiphany on the whole idea, discovering an ancient Inca "code" that would serve my story. I'm dying to return to that book. I love writing Tommy Walker. The guy just speaks to me and tells me what to put down on the page. And Alicia? It shouldn't be so natural for me to write a uber-rich, cover-girl debutante trying to renew herself after a decade of drug abuse and sexual excess. I know how to channel my inner Paris...

Then, I had another pause while my editor finished the book and came up with another idea, something shorter and serialized, something futuristic, but trying to show the dark veneer beneath the utopian bullcrap. It's based on a story I wrote ages ago, but more defined, and as I started to put together the first episode, much darker than anything I have ever written before. It's called Interstellar Overdrive and the idea is to do it quarterly, as long as it doesn't interfere with the other works. It should be a shorter work, maybe 80-120 pages per episode, in an ongoing story that we're looking to wrap up in a dozen or so episodes. When done, we intend to put together a show bible and pitch it to the TV networks.

IO is as close to a buddy cop movie as I'll ever do, uniting two friends who are veterans of a recent intergalactic conflict, who have no one else to count on but themselves as the past comes calling with a vengeance. We have episode one almost done (it's out of my hands except for tinkering), and I finished the final touches of episode two Friday night.

The fear is straying to far from Blackjack. I owe you guys and I'm not going to leave you hanging. Blackjack is my number one priority and will continue to be, while at the same time pulling away from it for little bits when I need a change of pace. Episode one of IO took me awhile, but Episode two came together in a couple of weeks, working on the side, so I think I can do both for now.

Blackjack 3's outline is kind of in the air at the moment. I have a strong acts one and two, but my five act structure might not endure. In part, it's because of some of the awesome comments and suggestions you guys have been throwing my way. It's impossible to get such good ideas and discard them outright. This week, I plan on finishing act one of the third book, and try to finish the epilogue. When I have those two done, I'll get them online to you like I've done before. It's a hell of a nasty cliffhanger, if I can manage to get my ideas down on paper properly, and I know you'll like it.

As far as Dale himself, things are changing. As you saw above, or maybe you've read in a book 3 teaser I spread around a few months back, Superdynamic is kind of "in charge" of Blackjack, and in order for him to take the next step in the transition from villain to hero, is making him jump through some hoops. For his part, Dale will do whatever it takes, he's ecstatic about the possibility and for the first time, he's playing nice, being a good boy...but that never works for Dale, does it? His most positive kindness and good deed has a way of turning around and biting him in the arse.

The world might be willing to forgive our transgressions and trespasses if we show contrition, or go through the long process of redemption, but that is usually the exception to the rule. As we've seen many times with misdeeds of people like Charlie Sheen, Chris Brown, Michael Richards, Lindsey Lohan and now Paula Dean, beware when you anger the populace.

Okay, enough pontificating. Next week, Sunday, act one of Blackjack to think of excuses for my impending failure!


  1. I know this might be strange coming from ME but taking time off of Blackjack and working on another project might not be a bad thing. As long as its not to long. You posted that while you were working on Blackjack you came up on an ancient Incan code for the other story. The same would probably work with Blackjack story lines. Changing styles and focusing on something different can let juices flow better and while your writing on HoTJ all the Blackjack stuff is bubbling away in the back until all of a sudden BHAM! WAM! ZING! it all comes together. And while we may bitch and whine about waiting for the finished product we definitely don't want it rushed. Your the chef here. Cook it like you want to cook it. As long as it doesn't take tooo long.

  2. I look forward to anything you are releasing. That is how much I have enjoyed the Blackjack books so far. Oo More Blackjack is definitely not a bad thing though. :D

  3. Thanks guys. It's something I'm going to experiment with, writing multiple things at once. Right now I'm 75% / 25% on blackjack/interstellar overdrive and it's working out, so maybe HoTJ will get pushed back a lot. I hope not, it's a nice story and I love the characters. We'll see. So far, Lilith is a lot of fun to write and so is Apogee. I didn't do as much as I wanted this week, but I think I'll have act one done in another week. I have a killer ending to it that will leave you guys like ????

    Part of what I'm doing is trying to have my characters like normal people would respond, and trying to avoid the BS cliches that you see all the time. Like in act one Lilith (formerly Despoil) approaches Blackjack after their fight once she identifies him. She's young and scared, and curious to how Dale made the turn from villain to hero. Now, in most other books, this would all be played as a jealous card, having the protagonist screw it up, even falling for the girl, and ruining his relationship to the hot starring female. Until he realizes his mistake and runs to the airport to stop her from flying to Paris to change her life!


    Besides, one of the things about Blackjack is that he's not a total idiot. He's changing, learning, and why wouldn't he tell Apogee about the whole thing? Why wouldn't he ask and Superdynamic and everyone else how to help? I mean, he doesn't mind helping this girl, so hand her off to someone that can help! Then go have a nice dinner with Apogee :P

    Also, in most movies or books, when the guy is injured and coming back like Blackjack is, he lies to everyone about how bad his recovery is going and pushes it irrationally. I'm going to do what I would do...Dale tells Apogee that he's having issues with his new bones. But, he demands not to be put on the shelf, which is what he could reasonably be worried about.

    Besides, things are growing dire in book three. The dangers are bigger and more numerous, and Blackjack needs to be in the front lines!

  4. If I went through everything Blackjack has id be whining like a bitch. A big one. Like the biggest whinyest loudest baby ever. And then id ask Apogee to kiss my booboos. : )

  5. hey man was just wandering would you ever do an audio book or/and comic adaptation of the first books. Im currently on the second book and i think villain is one or if not the best super hero/villain book Ive read including comics the only 2 stories that i think are at the same level is Invincible by Robert Kirkman and ex patriots by Peter Clines. i would like to go back to it enjoy the story again but as either in comic book form or audio book and was wandering if you had anything in the works.

  6. Oh hell YES! Can anyone say graphic novel! Score for the StarMan. We are having to imagine this world Ben has created in his head in our own. So there stands to reason what WE think might not be what HE thunked and please don't point out my spelling or grammar I'm trying to be funny. But seriously a graphic novel would be pretty cool. Get to see it like the creator created it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I hate to ask but is Blackjack actually going to develop any new abilities? He ran into the being that created the OS so I'd think he'd come away from that vastly stronger... Read both books, didnt really notice any improvement. Will he develop or discover a new power in the third book or did I miss an important detail somewhere?

  9. Okay, some answers:

    DiBs: I'd be doing the same thing, on 60 Minutes or out on the street corner, yelling at the top of my lungs, holding a poorly-written cardboard box. Blackjack's moving on, though, and trying to make the best of things. I think that, in an of itself, will be a pretty interesting learning experience, and one of my favorite parts of Book 3 so far.

    Starman: Probably the best compliment I've received so far is your comparison to Kirkman's Invincible, which I happen to be a frothing-at-the-mouth fan of. Thanks for that. As far as other formats, I'm trying to get it on mass market paperback but it's turning out to be a real pain. First of all, since it's so many pages (188k words and about 700-ish word pages at 12 size font), reproducing it turns out to be a kind of weird balancing act, cost-wise. The number of pages make it run over 17 bucks for a soft-cover 6"x9" which is kind of ridiculous. I have to write shorter, I guess. As far as an audio version, I'd love to make one, but I'd need to find a guy with a silky voice to do it. Before you say, "hey you do it man, just get it out there," I'd have to argue that it wouldn't work out. I'd be constantly editorializing and commenting on the side. A graphic novel would be interesting, and I know enough unmotivated comic artists to fill a publishing house. Hell, my sister would do something that would shake the socks off Alex Ross. Now, factor in cost and time and I get scared. I know what it takes to put together a graphic novel from all my friends, and an audio CD from my days back in video production, and I'm not sure if it's something that would work or be worth the time, money and effort. It would be super cool, though!

    Devil Heart/Austin: Good one. Not sure, to be honest. I wrote it into the first book, but it got whitewashed out by editing and my lack of experience. I meant for the meeting with the Lightbringer on Shard World to transform Blackjack, to open up his latent abilities, but in the process of rewriting, that idea kind of swept away some. I also had Mr. Haha mention that Blackjack's power is adaptive, which is something I intend to play with in book 3.

    I also intend to go crazy with the gadgets and tricks this time around (especially with some of Superdynamic's technology at their core), and the Asskickers are going to make a big splash this time around. Think about it, you build a set of boots that allow you to fly at mach 3, wouldn't you, LIKE ALL THE TIME?

    Thanks for all the questions and comments. Next week (around monday) another Journal, with a bit of Hero for you guys to enjoy.

  10. Oh thank God! Blackjack doesn't have some lame-ass done-it-before power. :P
    Adaptability never really gets done much in superhuman-esque books but when you think about it, its really one of the best powers you could have. What doesn't kill you LITERALLY makes you stronger. Thanks for the answer. Love the books and keep up the good work.

  11. Here's an idea. Haha is basicly a super computer right and after going to Shard world and analyzing the type of radiation the Lightbringers give off Haha tries to replicate it. He could create a device that removes Powers or much more fun he could flood the world with this energy in some kind of experiment to determine the ratio of heros to villans. Do think that would make a good storyline?

  12. Wow, DiBs...I just love that. Hell, I'm going to do it. But in reverse :)

  13. In reverse huh... like have the Lightbringers try it? Maybe an emissary shows up and says "So you people think your so much better than the Lightbringers?! Well lets find out shall we. WHOOOOOOSH! power floods the world. Maybe only temporary. I gotta say thered would be ALOT of villians. ALOT. a Crapton. But the power levels wouldn't be equal. There would be the Epics and Lord Mightys but there would also be the power the change your urine different colors or bacon scented farts. Some evil dictator could end up feeling the psychic pain of everyone within a certain distance. Just a lot of chaos. But maybe a few heroic surprises to. Maybe could work.

  14. And Blackjack would have a massive influx of villains to unleash his full power on, simultaneously further developing his 'latent' abilities. God this book will be EPIC. Even more so than book 1 and book 2, even.

  15. And @DiBs, keep those ideas flowing. You have some damn good ones. :P

  16. Aw shucks ."kicks some dirt" thanks. I love reading a great story. And after I finish it when I'm bored I like to imagine myself there. Fighting the good fight. Sometimes I'm the bad guy trying to think how I would defeat the hero. In the world Ben has created there's ample room for expermintation. It just begs to be thought about. And I'm usually pretty picky when it comes to a new story unless the author is in my top 5. If your there ill read anything you publish. Because I know its worth it. But how do they get there you ask?

    1. Jim Butcher...all I gotta say is Harry Dresdan.
    2.Kevin Hearne...if you haven't started the Iron Druid series you should.
    3.Ilona Andrews...Kate Daniels will leave you in awe.
    4.Patrician will love Mercedes Thompson.
    5.Ben Bequer...Blackjack will ROCK your world.

    Welcome to the list. By the way Ben you bumped Tim Pratt author of the Marla Mason series to number 6. Blackjacks just on its second book and your in my top 5. I didn't expect that when I picked up Villian.

  17. You just named all of my favorite authors... Atticus is awesome, Oberon is hilarious, Granuile is...Granuile (enough said). And Kate is one of the best characters I've come across in any series. Love that kick-ass mercenary (ex-mercenary after book...4 or 5....gotta re-read the series before the new book hits the market...) Ditto, Harry is another of my all-time favorite characters. Can't wait for the book after Cold Days to come out. Oh and DiBs if you haven't read Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series, you should. Gin Blanco is another kick-ass character. Try Jennifer Rardin's Jaz Parks series too. Rardin was going a bit crazy when she was writing the last few books and eventually killed herself after the series was finished. The main character's own psyche reflects this effect over time, making for one HELL of a good series. Also, Ben's books are definitely in my Top Ten (too many awesome books for me to restrict myself to a Top Five) Lol. I know I'm prattling on so I'll wrap this up with another recommendation: Brent Weeks' Night Angel trilogy. If you read as much as I do it won't take you long to tear through all these awesome books. Later

  18. And forgive me for disregarding her death. Rardin was an amazing author and it was an awful thing to see her go. May her soul live on in Heaven or wherever....
    Since I'm not religious in any sense of the word, I know that's not adequate but hey, we're nothing if we don't at least try, right?

  19. I feel a connection starting here!!! I have read the Elemental Assassin series but I got SOOOO tired of how Estep kept explaining the magic and Gin's silverstone knives. Over and over and over. Each book. It got old and I always wanted to know more about Sophia. Something about goth dwarves. I've also read the Night Angel trilogy and your right it is awesome if a little dark at times. That's what drew me to it at first. I'll have to check out the Jaz Parks books. But hey if your looking for a good read until Hero comes out......some time soon hopefully nudgenudge.......try Old Mans War. The line that caught me was "On my 75th birthday I did two things. I visited my wife grave....and then I joined the army." Try it you'll stay up nights finishing it.

  20. Sounds good. And I gotta admit that IS a pretty bad habit of Estep. I figured it was smart though since anyone breaking into the series for the first time would immediately get a recap and it also ensures you remember the gist of her abilities and story line. You might want to check out her newest books though....:) one of them involves Sofia's sordid past....and thanks for the recommendations. And yeah I gotta agree....Kylar was a pretty dark character. However, that and his struggle, the realistic portrayal of the corruption in society (Sa'kage) and Weeks' immersive writing style made the series one of the best I have read. Not THE best mind you but damn close. Try the Horngate Witches too. Not one of the better series I've read but I like the Sunspear/Shadowblade concept and Max is a pretty good character as well

  21. Dear God I have to stop double-posting... But I forgot to mention John Conroe's The Demon Accords. The main character, Chris is pretty damn awesome. The author made him very powerful(almost too powerful) and some people complain that he is invincible (read and you will understand) but I think it opens the author up to make Chris more real by forcing him to struggle with protecting the people he cares about who are vulnerable to harm as well as making his emotional struggles more significant. I generally couldn't put the books down (figuratively I have a Kindle) until I got to the fifth one. I am waiting for book 6 Forced Ascent to come out. Also, despite Amazon's page length description each book is relatively long ( to a point that they can at least be considered average, at least length-wise) Dunno if you'll like it as much as I did but I gotta say I loved them and couldn't wait to read the next one after I finished its predecessor. Let me know if you like them! I will DEFINTELY be checking out the Old Man's War

  22. My family has made jokes about my Kindle being fused to my hand. It goes most places with me. I think I would like the Demon Accords but I always struggle with books that include the Christian mythos along side other fantasy types. Now I consider myself more spiritual than religious but I was raised in a Christian household and most of my family is VERY Christian. And if they found some of things on my Kindle I'd probably be in for some heat. Although the thought of them reading about Atticus the Iron Druid having a conversation with Christ yeah THE Christ makes me giggle. Now please don't think I'm bashing my family's belief. Faith has always given people amazing strength to withstand the kind of hardship I wouldn't wish on my worst enemys. But I think some can miss the meaning or become so full of their own sense of holiness that they hurt others or offend others and never know it.

    Wow sorry about going off. That was a bit much.

  23. Not at all. I couldn't have said it better. And believe me, I know what you mean about your Kindle being attached to your hand; mine would have to be surgically removed.
    In this case though, the main character actually has some issues with God. He believes in Him but he has his reasons for being angry with God. You'll have to read to find out. the main character tends to be very open-minded about religion ( him having definite proof of God's existence doesn't stop him from researching...) I'm not going to tell you. Its a part of the story and I won't ruin it.
    P.S. my friends have gotten death threats from me when they started making 'hypothetical' what-if situations about what I would do if they did various things to my Kindle. I was only half-joking when I made them.
    Ain't NOBODY gonna lay a hand on my Kindle :P

  24. Have you named yours yet? I call mine Greta. Although I'm thinking of dumping her and getting the Fire HD. Oh by the way I found Godtouched book 1 of the Demon Accords in the Kindle store. Its a .99 cent risk so I got it. Here's hoping its as good as you say.

  25. i hope you enjoy it :P and yeah I named my Kindle Bitch, after Jesse's BrainPal in the Old Man's War. Same for the Fire HD. My friend has one.

  26. OH MY GOD! you were RIGHT! The Demon Accords is awesome! I'm half way through Godtouched and I'm already in love with Chris and Tanya. I'LL SHOW YOU WHERE I KEEP THE GOOD SILVER! ha. Iv already went and bought the next four books cause I know this is a series I'm going to devour. You rock D.H!!!

  27. Thank you and I'm glad you like the series lol. I'm also glad you agree with me about the awesomeness of Chris...
    (Spoiler) when a certain name is used in book 3, look it up on the 'Net. It explains a lot about Chris' character in the book and why he does what he does. There's a name for Tanya too....which matches her perfectly, considering the whole vamp thing.
    Also, try the Hellequin Chronicles by Steve McHugh. You might like Nathan, aka Merlin's Assassin.

  28. Starting number 3. This series is nuts. Chris is practically a God. He has the projected life span of a vampire. The strength and speed of a vampire elder. The healing abilities of a were. He can use his aura like a fricken green lantern. He can use his aura to alter the molecular structure of matter. He slaps demons down like i do to hot donuts. He has an super hot super rich super badass vampire girlfriend. AND lets not forget the ancient and powerful bear GOD that makes chris's wellbeing a number 1 priority.

    This is to much!!! I'm just starting book 3 for crying out loud! How more powerful is he gonna get?!!

  29. Wait and see my friend, wait and see....

  30. Book 4! I didn't really like the end of three. I'm sure you you know why D.H. However Awasos just might make me feel better about it.

  31. He will. And I know. I was sad about Okwari. Did you look up the names Lailah and Malahidael? Matches Chris and Tanya to a T.
    P.S. only four more days until the next Kate Daniels novel is available. I WILL HAVE IT!!!! Lol :P

  32. Yeah I looked up the names. Although by the time they're mentioned you kinda already know. What with Barbiels slips and seeming shock concerning Chris's memory it leads you to guess they're true nature.

    I know! Four days. I gotta finish 4 and 5 of Demon Accords but it shouldn't be a problem. I think this is the fastest I've ever gone through a series. I've already preordered the Kate Daniels book. It should be amazing!

  33. Yes it should. And I know what you mean I devoured the Demon Accords. I can't wait for Forced Ascent to hit the market.

  34. Book 5. I wonder what kind of highjinx Chris and Stacia will get up to. I'v always been partial to harems. A vampire. Now a werewolf. What's next?

  35. Eh, Stacia is meant to be a temptation for Chris but Tanya is the only one who can keep him from going Grim forever and wiping supernatural creatures off the face of the earth. He is the predator to their prey. And as much as Stacia is a cool character, I hope he never strays from Tanya. Tanya is far better for Chris in every way

  36. In the Eternal sense I would agree given what and who they truely are. But in the mortal world it seems like Stacia is a better fit. They eat together instead of one eating and then being eaten upon. The vampire culture is DRASTICALLY different than Chris thinks he knows. When its common to live beyond 400 years certain things would be of the up most value while others would be meaningless. How is a 24 year old non vampire supposed to understand ANYTHING.

  37. And I've ways prefered weres over vampires. But that's just me.

  38. I've always preferred weres to vamps too but in this case I side with Tanya. And Chris genuinely enjoys feeding her, plus there is the fact that Grim would go through Stacia like a meat grinder. Besides, Tanya is one of the most fearsome supernatural beings on the planet while Stacia is only a slightly abnormal were(thanks to Chris' blood) and would stand almost no chance against any major threats (particularly of the demonic variety) that would attempt to use her as a bargaining chip against Chris. Besides, Chris doesn't have to understand vampire politics since he can kill any vampire over a couple hundred years old without any effort whatsoever thanks to his aura.
    P.S. Chris has Chosen Tanya as much as she Chose him, now that he knows what it means to Choose your Chosen. (?) lol that was confusing but you get the picture.

  39. Oh god i repeated besides twice...damn!

  40. Weeeeelllll I don't know. Tanya can soothe the savage beast that is Grim because of their bond yes but Stacia also mentioned having a type of bond with Chris as well. So what really stops Grim might be the sight or proximity to his "mate". Is it possible for him to have more than one or to possibly transfer the mating bond to another? Chris has said he feels very strongly towards Stacia. And vice versa. And I wouldn't discount Stacias abilities as just a product of contact with Chris's blood.

    And I don't think were going to agree on this my friend : ) lets just see how things develop.

  41. Lol. I can't argue with that. After all, Mr. Conroe just might have some big surprises in store for us. I hate that we have to wait for Forced Ascent to come out :( On the bright side...the 6th Kate Daniels novel is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. When is Forced Accent due. Oh and it the title is any kind of hint about the content it should be well worth waiting for.

  43. Finished Book 5! Wow! Who are you? Where am I? Do I love you or do I love her? What's going on?!! That was AWESOME! You do NOT mess with Toni! Shes got connections.

  44. I have no idea when it is supposed to come out :( and yeah, about the title, pretty sure it's gonna be exactly what we both think it will be.
    P.S. Grim + Toni + Kidnappers = Slaughter + Shredded Corpses + Toni Unharmed

  45. Hey D.H. if you were a were in a Kate Daniels book what would you prefer to be? I think a were snow leapord for myself. Killer and unique. Beautiful to.

  46. I'd prefer to be a tiger. An exotic and deadly killing machine.

  47. I find it comedic that the last 20 posts or so had almost nothing to do with the website. :P
    Glad I can talk to you though DiBs. Not many people are as devoted as we are to reading.
    P.S. Mr Bequer, if you read this, can you give us an update on Blackjack Hero if possible?

  48. I didn't want to interrupt you guys :) I've been taking notes of cool books you guys are recommending. Maybe when I finish Blackjack 3 and Interstellar Overdrive....

    Update coming up soon!

  49. Yeah Ben sorry we kinda geeked out there. Just so you know none of what D.H. and I talked about takes away from my bromance with Blackjack. Hes still the MAN!

    I've always wondered when an authored finds time to read. Huh. Why does that sound like a joke?

  50. Becuase it's an extremely ironic statement? Someone who writes books for a living but never has time to pick up a book and read someone else's work. :P
    And i've got to agree with DiBs...BJ is awesome...(I mean Blackjack, get your mind outta the gutter!) :)
