Thursday, May 9, 2013


In several select categories, like cat books (long hair), how-to guides (bad writing), and literature (unspecified). Next stop, the New York Times Best-seller list.

Actually, it was number one for all comic books (beating the Iron Man 3 tie-in comic, and this month's issue of Batman), and in the category of Literature-drama. I couldn't find "sci-fi" in the drop down menu, so those will have to do.

Still, it's number one.

Thanks to you guys.


  1. Its all you man. Its all you. If you didn't write it the way you do why would we buy it?

  2. You have got an absolute gift for writing sir. I was waiting for this book right after I finished Blackjack Villian and I was not disappointed. It was a great read and I look forward to what happens next to our favorite villain turned hero.

  3. Congrats, Now back to work on book 3! :D

  4. The shard world segment was way too long, it was nearly like 2/7 of the book. Should of kept it to a chapter and a half. Wondering if you have a editor to rein you in when you get too into certain chapters, because it felt like you wanted to write more sci-fi than superhero fiction.

  5. What happend with heart of the jungle? After reading the sample at end of wayward I havent been able to locate more

  6. Ok here it starts! I'm glad Wayward is doing great that means you get to continue producing but like I posted way back when that as soon or shortly after Wayards release the bitching would start. Well Im officially starting............I NEED SOME HERO! book 3 book 3 book 3 book 3 book 3 book 3 book 3 book 3 imagine me pounding on a table book 3 book 3 book 3 now I'm getting louder BOOK 3 BOOK 3 BOOK 3 now people are joining me BOOK3BOOK3BOOK3BOOK3 OH MY GOD! THE SOUND IS DEAFENING! ITS A MOB SCENE!

  7. When will these books be available in paper version? Its always nice to have copies of books you really enjoy on your bookshelf rather than invisible on the kindle.

  8. First, you're book is great. There are no doubt for that.
    But, please, take a genuine french for the parts of the book which use this language ^^.

    It's pretty horrible. Otherwise, no complain for me and if you need help for those part, i can help if you wish. Yep, i'm french, it's show with my poor grammar ^^.

    Well, i go back to read the second book. And afterward, wait for the third ^^.

  9. MrShad07: All I can say is DAMN! I had someone who was supposed to be knowledgeable in French take a look at it at give me some corrections, but I guess I'm to understand she didn't know what she was talking about? I guess you get what you pay for...I'm gathering all the corrections and suggestions and I'm going to go back into the book in a few weeks and make a revision. Thanks for your comments.

    Katmax1: It's prohibitive. Amazon (whom I'm married to) has a sliding scale for how much a book costs based on the number of pages. Both books so far (and book three as well) are huge monsters and printing them is expensive. The scale basically determines how much you should charge, and the break/even where it doesn't cost me anything ends up being around $18 bucks, and that's crazy. I don't know, I might put it up and give people the option, I just feel guilty as hell due to the insane prices.

    DiBs: I've got 100 pages of Book 3 already and it's looking good. It feels more natural than either of the past two. I guess Blackjack never felt like a proper villain. Maybe we'll do another one with a real villain. I can feel your pain, my friend. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that Book 3 comes out faster than even Book 2 did. Today I'm starting a weekly log of Book 3, with samples to keep you from hurting yourself. And others.

    Greg Renno: blame DiBs if Heart is on hold. It's all his fault. I'm going to put up the full first act again (I'm sorry you missed it in my previous posts), so you can get some more Alicia/Tommy action. Man, just writing that last sentence makes me want to go back and finish it...but DiBs would kill me.

    Andrew: No one could rein me in when it comes to Shard World. If it feels too long to you, then it probably is, but believe me when I tell you that I almost wanted to make a whole book of Blackjack in Shard World, ala Planet Hulk. I love the place, love the freedom it gives me to world build without inhibitions. I also agree with you that it may not belong in the book, especially in that length. It may need to be a separate book altogether...The Adventures of Drovani, or something like that. Glad you made it through to the "better" parts, though, and yes, I'm going to avoid Shard World altogether in Book 3.

    Mike & Aaron: Thanks for the kind words. Believe me that all your comments keep me going, even the harsh criticism that some people level. I try to take the positive out of everything, including a review of Book 2 the other day that criticized the fact that Blackjack keeps saving everything but keeps getting treated like a villain. It was a sound argument, one which inspired me to a new opening scene of Book 3. I'll put a little sampler of it later (unedited, of course) when I do my weekly journal.

    Again, thanks for everything guys!

  10. Your last post really shows who you are. Some authors would have posted maybe a little something about working hard or something. But you actually seemed to have read all the past posts and written a personal message to us. That is so cool! However that isn't going to stop the bitching. I can hear it now. Its getting closer. You should be able to hear it now. book 3. book 3. book 3. Hmmm.... they're far away but I think you've stopped their advance....for now.
